xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: can you say YUM?!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

can you say YUM?!

Blue Diamond UNsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze

40 calories in 8 ounces--now if that doesn't sound YUMMY enough...
then how about 20% of your calcium, 25% of vit D, 50% of Vit E??

If you can't tolerate cow or soy milk like me, this is AWESOME.
Today, I had it with 3/4 cup chocolate cheerios and 3/4 cup fresh strawberries + 1/2 cup fresh black berries.
It was gorgeous, I should have taken a picture!!!!

They have a chocolate almond milk too...yet, even though I am a chocoholic--this vanilla is better!!
At our grocery store, they have it on the shelf in the gluten free section...
(and no one paid me to say this!)   :)

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