xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: Power of Peanut Butter

Monday, May 16, 2011

Power of Peanut Butter

I wonder how many times I have mentioned the word peanut butter as a Dietitian in speaking and writing?!  
Nut & seed butters are just plain good for you, oh yea, and are YUMMY!

Tonight, I made my son a peanut butter sandwich for his lunch tomorrow.
You say, Traci...that is NOTHING new.  
Yet, have you seen a 
PBBBB (Peanut Butter & Banana on a Bratwurst Bun)

...can you say that fast 3 times?

Peanut butter (or any nut butter) is a great and inexpensive way to nourish, satisfy and power your day!  The $ cost of 200 calories of peanut butter is far less than 200 calories from an energy bar!  The good ol’ PBJ (peanut butter and jelly sandwich) on whole grain bread with a glass of low fat milk is an awesome way to fuel your body with heart healthy protein, mono and polyunsaturated fats, and good carbohydrates (carbs from whole grain bread).  Buy the all natural nut butters to maximize the healthy fats.  When you bring the jar home, store it upside down and the oil will slowly distribute through!

Remember fueling is EASY, AFFORDABLE (and YUMMY!)

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