xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Ode to Spaghetti Squash

Pardon me if I have professed my love of spaghetti squash in the past.
oh and a few on here................https://www.facebook.com/Working4Wellness1/

It is sad that I did not learn of it until a few years ago, but it was worth the wait!  When I started eating gluten free, it was hard at first without any pasta.
I am used to "no pasta" now, but every once in a while...a plate of comfort (aka spaghetti dinner)....was all I could think of...

Image result for spaghetti squashEnter stage right... the awesome star of my weekly menu, the spaghetti squash.
A cup of white spaghetti noodles has around 220 kcals and 42 carbs, while a cup of spaghetti squash has around 42 calories  (yes, I said 42 C A L O R I E S - NOT carbs) and around 10 carbs.
One WHOLE squash might have around the same calories as a cup of regular spaghetti noodles.
It really DOES have a similiar consistency and neutral flavor like a regular pasta spaghetti noodle!

How do you cook them?  Well, you can bake, microwave, and....drumroll please...use a CROCKPOT.
I just found this on www.familyfreshmeals.com !  Basically, you puncture the squash a few times, throw it in the crockpot on low, come back 5 hours later and scrape it out!
For those of you that may have tried to cut or handle a raw spaghetti squash to prep it for cooking, well....it is not the safest kitchen prep exercise.

How do I like to eat it?  Let me count the ways....
On my pinterest page (https://www.pinterest.com/ifuthinkucan/)- I have many of the recipes I've tried...and I love them all.  The Tomato Basil Squash Bake is a favorite as a gift to new moms or for other neighbors in need of an easy and healthy casserole meal. 
Yet, my favorite is an old school plate of spaghetti - no recipe needed - for a quick weeknight meal - my favorite jar of spaghetti sauce (with or without added cooked ground meat or chicken) plus Spaghetti Squash.

Not only does it fill you up with WAY less calories, but it gives you Vitamin A, Potassium and other naturally occurring nutrients.
How do you like YOUR Spaghetti Squash?  I'd love to hear...

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Fresh, Fast..Hot or Cold ...Side or Main Dish

photo & recipe cred to joyfulhealthyeats.com

Possibilities are endless with this one....
I wanted to be sure that my friends had this recipe to try....you know it is easy if I tried it!
With my husband playing sous chef, (while I played taxi driver)- he finished roasting the asparagus and cooked a 1/2 cup of quinoa.
Upon my return, we tossed:
  • roasted pecans
  • roasted asparagus cut into 2 inch bites
  • 1/4 cup feta
  • drizzle of balsamic and olive oil
  • cooked quinoa
What would I change?
  • more vegetables:  maybe roasted brussels sprouts, sun dried tomatoes- etc
  • steam the asparagus vs roast
  • grilled chicken?
Really- this recipe is a base for so many possibilities- let me know if you try your own version ....
p.s. such a good balance of nutrients in this dish including healthy fats from the pecans (especially high in omega 6 fatty acids) plus olive oil, lots of fiber, gluten free

photo & recipe cred go to

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Sleeping Less? Gaining Weight?

How did you sleep last night?  How healthy are your food choices going today? Are they related? YES!  

NIH has recently shown by yet another study, that sleep deprivation will decrease your ability to choose your foods wisely the next day. Although a small sample size, they believe it is tied to the endocannabinoid (eCB) system.  Does cannabinoid sound familiar? The eCB system is the same one that is activated by chemicals found in marijuana.  If you do not get enough sleep, the eCB system can alter your brain's decision circuit pathways and have you reaching for more "fun" food.  This system plays a major role in appetite and energy levels.

Source:  NIH Tying Sleep Deprivation & Food Choices

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Artificial Sweeteners Backfired

The artificial sweeteners saccharin, sucralose and aspartame may raise
blood sugar by changing the makeup of the gut bacteria in the intestines.

These intestinal microflora play a major role in nutrition and your immune 
system and account for 4 POUNDS OF YOUR BODY WEIGHT !

Originally developed to reduce obesity and metabolic disease...studies show artificial sweeteners may due directly the opposite!
They may not DIRECTLY increase blood sugar, but the 
disruption of the intestinal bacteria MAY increase fasting blood sugar and 
impair blood sugar tolerance

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Importance of Ingredient List....

Currently food labels are required to list sugar, but they do not differentiate between ADDED sugar and naturally occurring sugar....

Example:1 cup of skim milk has about 10 grams of naturally-occurring sugar, and 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt has about 12 grams. These amounts, along with any added sugar, will appear on the Nutrition Facts Label.
The protein in the dairy will slow the absorption and your blood sugar level will not spike like it would with added sugars.

The 4 grams of sugar in this unsweetened greek yogurt comes from naturally occurring lactose.

Be sure to pay attention to the ingredient list for the many other names sugar can be listed.  In addition, if trying to eliminate artificial sweeteners, there are generic names for the sweeteners you are more familiar with....sucralose=splenda, aspartame is nutrasweet and saccharin is sweet n low (to name a few).
Hopefully, plans to revise the nutrition facts label to differentiate between natural and added sweeteners will come to fruition.  In the meantime, be a smart shopper and read those labels!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie Deliciousness
(recipe for 2)

  • 2 very small apples or one large one
  • 1 med/large banana (frozen if you have it)
    • (add 5-7 cubes of ice if the banana is not frozen)
  • 1.5 scoop of Isopure 100% Whey Protein Powder (http://www.theisopurecompany.com/product/isopurewpi.html)
  • 8 oz unsweetened almond coconut milk
  • 8 oz unsweetened coconut water
  • 1-1.5 cups fresh spinach
  • 1/2 Tablespoon fresh spinach (at least)
  • 1/4 cup sliced almonds (unsalted/raw is what I use)
Nutrition PER smoothie (makes 2):
Approximately 225 calories, 21 g protein + lots of fiber

Monday, February 1, 2016

What is Stevia?

What is Stevia? 

Stevia is 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and is a
composite native plant to South America
  • Genus Stevia, S. Rebaudiana
  • Cousin of the yellow mum
  • Leaves are the source of the noncaloric sweetener
  • Recent position paper by Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics reviewed 5 studies and it showed minimal to No effects on blood glucose and insulin
Stevia is also marketed as Truvia...is it the Same
    • Erythritol- sugar alcohol
    • Rebiana- HALF of one percent of Truvia is Rebiana (which IS a molecule of stevia plant)
      • Rebiana is 200-300x sweeter than sugar…Truvia is only 2x
    • Natural flavors  are listed in the ingredients, but what is the origin?
I'll review the basics of the most popular "non sugar" natural and artificial sweeteners over the next couple of weeks and then discuss the pros and cons....
Until next time...Wishing you Well,
Traci Miller, RDN

Monday, January 25, 2016

Naturally Sweet Challenge

Is sugar addicting?  
Well, it is not 100% determined if it is a chemical addiction.

Yet, the brain sees sugar as a reward.
The more you have it, the more you work to find it.  It can be a hard habit to break.
Simple ADDED sugars like those added to yogurt or soda give you a quick energy "high", but then it wears off quickly. NATURALLY present sweeteners like in fruit and unsweetened yogurts have fiber and protein to slow the blood sugar spike (and drop!).

DON'T FORGET...some dairy will have NATURAL sugar, so just look for ADDED sugar/sweetener in INGREDIENT LIST.

I don't like to call it a detox, but we can decondition our body from its learned response.
How?  Cut back or eliminate added sugar and sweeteners from your intake.
Yes, artificial sweeteners as well.

My next post I will briefly discuss the most popular artificial sweeteners.  
For now, 

  • Read ALL Labels
  • Eat more PROTEIN, especially at your first meal of the day
  • Do NOT Skip Meals
  • Trick the Craving- if you think you are craving sugar...
    • go play with your pup
    • read your book
    • do some YOGA
    • eat some melon
    • have some unsweet green tea
  • If you find yourself reaching for your coworker's candy dish- STOP for a minute and ASK yourself why...
    • are you bored
    • are you stressed
    • are you tired
I will post fun &helpful links via places like:

Feel free to post questions and comments on my blog or facebook.
I will answer as many as I can

See you on the mat, Traci Miller, RDN 
Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist