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Saturday, April 21, 2012

GUEST AUTHOR: Dr. Eleanor Womackhttp://www.eleanorwomackmd.com/
If you are wondering who finally convinced me to try a few new things, it is the brilliant Dr. Eleanor Womack.  In a recent conversation with her, she described our body as a doughnut! No, not what you are thinking (full of fat and sugar!) I asked her if she would repeat it via the written word... so I could share it with you.  Below is a quote from her...MANY THANKS to Dr. Womack

"The body is like a doughnut.... The surface of the doughnut includes the outside and the doughnut hole surface as well.  All of that surface area is exposed to the outside environment.   People have a "doughnut hole" that goes from our mouth to our anus. Our bodies' defense system of white blood cells and antibodies patrols both our skin and the surface of out alimentary tract with the same vigilance and concern.  If a white blood cell gets put on high alert about irritation or breach in the wall of the small intestine — that same white blood cell also has to patrol the skin, lungs and sinuses  where it is going to bring the same "high alert" status.  This means that if you are eating things that you are mildly allergic to--- you may not manifest that allergy with stomach distress— instead you may develop a skin rash or eruption.   By the same principle if some one has eczema, acne, asthma or chronic sinus infection— they can be treated by eliminating foods that their bodies are hyper sensitive to.   Foods that their body sees as threats." 4/21/12 Dr. Eleanor Womack  

I cannot wait to learn more and more from Dr. Womack--hope you gained some new perspective with her contribution!

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