xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: FUELING....

Sunday, May 15, 2011


     Here's a quick note to all those increasing intensity in their workouts during this gorgeous weather...........
It may seem obvious, there are many BOOKS written on it.  My favorite is Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook 4th edition.
So, needless to say...I could go on and on concerning this subject.  
     IN A NUTSHELL- it depends on what time of day and what you can tolerate.  If you haven't eaten in a couple of hours, a quick 100-150 kcal of carbohydrate 30-60 minutes before you exercise will improve your performance during your workout.  (Even 15 minutes before will work, if you can tolerate it.)  A natural sports snack like a granola bar or a banana.
     A good RECOVERY (post exercise) drink within 30 min is low fat chocolate milk, YES I SAID IT, chocolate milk.  Seriously, multiple studies have shown that it has just the right balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat to help speed recovery.  A delightful way to help your muscles jump right back in the next day.  You don't need all those expensive store bought fancy drinks &/or mixes.
p.s. almond or soy flavored milks will also work...

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