xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: SPORTS DRINKS for KIDS? Yes and NO

Monday, June 28, 2010


if you have been to Houston...you will know what I mean when I say
it is HOUSTON HUMID HOT here in the ATX right now...

My 10 year old son just finished a 6 hour per day OUTDOOR soccer camp for one week.
When I picked him up in the afternoons, it was a minimum of 94 degrees.  
When he is doing that much endurance exercise, in that heat, for 6 HOURS...
I really don't care what he drinks- I just want him to DRINK!   

In the example above, a full strength sports drink with sugar is probably a good idea...
ESPECIALLY if it improves the chances of the child consuming enough liquids.

YET, if exercise is less than 90 minutes, or just a drink around the house,
 a sports drink is NOT the best choice.
Though it varies by brand, a 10 ounce sports drink can have a minimum of 10 teaspoons of sugar.
Children drinking EMPTY calories via sodas, juice, and sports drinks at home INSTEAD of water or 
low fat milk can contribute to childhood obesity and erosion of tooth enamel.

Would you like some GOOD NEWS?

Powerade has come out with a product called POWERADE Play
It is specifically designed for younger athletes.  It is sweetened naturally with cane sugar and STEVIA!
Now, they didn't take out the artificial colors- but this is a huge improvement on products that have been readily available in the past.

My son isn't great about drinking enough, ESPECIALLY in the Texas Summer heat...
I would prefer he drink water, which he will do when he is really thirsty, but other times require a bit of 
"strong encouragement."
I have been searching for naturally sweetened, low calorie "fun" drinks for a while...
one that has hit stores here recently is called
Crystal Light Pure Fitness- naturally sweetened and no artificial colors or preservatives!! 
(yes- Alissa--woo hoo!)

This blog below also talks about how important it is for children to stay hydrated during sports.
Small water losses are magnified the less you weigh.
Parents, you know your children, you will make the best choices for your children's well being.


I hope this helps everyone in their quest to quench their family's thirst this summer!

I have not received any free samples/coupons/NADA- just excited that the options are improving

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