xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: if you HAVE to buy food in packages or cans....

Friday, March 4, 2011

if you HAVE to buy food in packages or cans....

Hello all,
I am all about not reinventing the wheel, but love to keep it rolling.  Here is an awesome link from realage.com  that is an interactive page on reading the food label.

I strongly encourage all to eat from the outside of the grocery store and as close to the ground as you can.  Yet, for those items you have to purchase in a can or box- pay CLOSE attention to the label.  Use the label to eliminate trans fats, watch for excess sugar and fat, optimize fiber intake and control your portion size.  (High fructose corn syrup and excessive artificial dyes are also a great thing to limit or eliminate.)

Yes, I left one out- SODIUM--most Americans eat WAY too much--
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), greater than 85% of Americans consume more than the goal limit of 2400 mg of sodium per day.  Many have learned not to cook with or add salt at the table.  Yet, it is the ever present convenience & restaurant foods that significantly contribute to the higher sodium intake.  People who have high blood pressure and/or are African American should aim for even lower...1500 mg sodium.  

Until next time, wishing you well

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