xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' workingforwellness: Vegetarian?--hold me accountable

Monday, September 27, 2010

Vegetarian?--hold me accountable

Hi all
I am posting this so my friends can hold me accountable.  I am going to try going a month eating only
plant based foods..... 
Wait, there is NO TRY, only DO (per Yoda...)  
So, let me rephrase--
I AM going to eat only plant based foods for roughly a month.
Those of you that know me, my diet is actually not terribly off from that--
Yet, wine screams to me..."EAT CHEESE!"...so my weekend treat of wine will be lonely...maybe hummus will work as its new friend?  I also love to have animal protein on my yummy green salads. 

WHY? you ask...well, some would say--she'll eat less calories--ummmm...most likely NOT... 
Have you ever seen my salads? It is true, that plant based foods are high in nutrition value.  It is also a fact that you can eat too much of anything, whether it be hummus or cheese dip.
Unfortunately, I do have to make one exception--I'll still eat eggs.  Due to some health constraints, I probably wouldn't get enough protein otherwise. Those same health issues direct me towards gluten free....I do not have Celiac disease- but am much healthier when I significantly limit gluten.

Ok, I still haven't answered WHY....
It is nothing profound...really just as a personal challenge and to help me guide my vegetarian clients from actual experience.  Who knows, maybe I'll feel so great I'll go longer than a month :)

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